DSC 0680

The number of automated positions in Polish companies comparing with European countries is very low. not is not only about Western Europe but also our neighbors. For example. Slovakia, where on 10 thousand. employees accounts for 83 robots in the Czech Republic 72 robots. (In Poland - only 19).

In Poland is felt constant growth of automation in production in recent years. The main reason of this changes is an increase competitiveness of enterprises introducing automated systems. The entrepreneurs are beginning to notice that automation contributes to the increase in the scale of production and to improve the profitability of the plant.

In the near future, due to the growth in labor costs of human resources the enterprise will increase the number of automatic stations.

Source: PAP

Benefits of Automation of production:

  •    Increase productivity:

- Extension of working time,

- Reduction number of production downtime,

- Low cost of robot operation.

  •    Improve the production process:

-Easy and simple control of the robot,

-increase the effectiveness of cooperation with people.

  •    Increased safety at the workplace:

- Allocation of industrial robots for hazardous work for humans health.

  •    Shifting human resources to creative work. (application of robots to repetitive work).
  •    Reduce the cost of insurance, or health care workers,
  •    Reducing the shortage of workers in the labor market.

Within the assortment of Robotics and Automation in manufacturing processes we show a new offer of welding systems - MWOS (MOST ORBITAL WELDING SYSTEM).

Gallery in the order for ZAKŁADY PRODUKCYJNE B-D S.A. ul. 11 Listopada 2/4, 42 - 400 Zawiercie, and the description and technical specifications of the system.


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